Concept paper released: A Pathway Towards Systemic Resilience Investment

Investing in Resilience: Time for a Systemic Approach  As climate impacts intensify, resilience investment has become more critical than ever. Research from the Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable highlights the urgent need for a shift from short-term, piecemeal fixes to long-term, sustainable solutions that strengthen resilience across interconnected systems. Without this shift, organisations risk being caught… Continue reading Concept paper released: A Pathway Towards Systemic Resilience Investment

Next steps for the Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable

The Resilient Valuation Initiative, initially spearheaded by Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities, brought together diverse stakeholders to explore opportunities to improve resilience valuation, including standardisation of methods of quantifying and measuring the value of resilience. As the adaptation and resilience landscape has developed in recent years, work has been underway to… Continue reading Next steps for the Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable

Partnering for Climate Adaptive Action and Investment

The Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable was invited to hold a session at the National Adaptation Conference to share different perspectives on developing and implementing cross-sectoral partnership to invest in adaptation and resilience-building. Setting the scene: The business of resilience  Before our session, the plenary session focussed on the business of resilience and how to overcome… Continue reading Partnering for Climate Adaptive Action and Investment

Reflections from the National Adaptation Conference

We attended the Climate Adaptation Conference in Adelaide, and in the midst of some quite challenging talks about the scale of the challenges ahead, we had the opportunity think and talk about how Australia and our region can adapt to more heat, floods, drought, storms and sea level rise over the coming decades. The theme… Continue reading Reflections from the National Adaptation Conference

IPCC calls for urgent action to fund adaptation to climate change

In March 2023, the final instalment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) was released. This represents an eight-year long effort from scientists and researchers around the world. The report underscores the urgent need for increased action on climate resilience and adaptation, and provides valuable guidance and insights for decision-makers… Continue reading IPCC calls for urgent action to fund adaptation to climate change


Organisations seeking to value the benefits of natural hazard and climate resilience can access a growing array of methods and tools. The Resilience Valuation Initiative has identified several that specifically include a systems approach and seek to value intangible benefits and novel value flows.


Organisations seeking natural hazard and climate resilience can leverage a foundation of economic, social, governance and environmental focussed efforts


Cross-sector coalition seeks clear pathways for Australia to respond to climate and disaster risk